Here are the official plans created by the city and the Ministry of Housing
Below you’ll find a video that explains the plans in detail
You can see the original documents on the city and government websites here:
קישור לאתר מינהל התכנון:
קישור לאתר הנדסי:
בקישורים נמצאים כל מסמכי תכנית 420/1/6/25.
Explanation of the blueprints
What can I do about it?
Those opposing this plan have assembled a growing team that is developing multiple strategies. We’re stronger together, so please join our WhatsApp group to receive updates and specific options to volunteer.
We have until the end of 2024 to submit formal complaints against this plan. You have a right to be heard. Come and join the conversation! We’ll help you through the process and provide a lawyer familiar with the plan.. SIGN ME UP
We’re all volunteers working with a budget of small donations from the neighborhood. If this cause speaks to you, help us with legal fees, printing costs, etc. MORE ON THAT HERE
(make sure to read the instructions carefully)