The “Mitzpe Nevo Road” can still be stopped.
Join 500+ of your neighbors and save our community!
What’s the plan?
Thousands of units are slated for completion in Maale Adumim in the coming months. The city is looking for ways to manage the expected traffic increase. The city could optimize roads near schools, clear bottlenecks, and pave roads in the various natural (and sensible) road conduits. Instead, the city intends to build a new access road to the “07” exit directly through Mitzpe Nevo without building any accommodating infrastructure for the increased traffic. The city's plan will create perilous safety conditions for Klei Shir and Mitzpe Navo residents, not to mention the long-term health effects of a major roadway directly adjacent to backyards.

Why should I care?
If you live in Mitzpe Nevo or lower Klei Shir, this road will adversely impact your daily life. Hundreds of cars from surrounding neighborhoods will attempt to navigate narrow streets, causing major traffic jams, life and safety conditions for both drivers and passerby and increased pollution. A quiet cul-de-sac will become a to-be-avoided dangerous area. The road doesn’t even connect to Route 1, as many people believe, but instead brings drivers to the “07” exit, where they’ll need to merge with the traffic from the most populated part of the city (with plans for another 3500 units to be built on the opposite side of this same exit). Commute times will increase and safety and security will decrease.
What can I do about it?
Those opposing this plan have assembled a growing team that is developing multiple strategies. We’re stronger together, so please join our WhatsApp group to receive updates and specific options to volunteer.
We have until the end of 2024 to submit formal complaints against this plan. You have a right to be heard. Come and join the conversation! We’ll help you through the process and provide a lawyer familiar with the plan.. I’M READY
We’re all volunteers working with a budget of small donations from the neighborhood. If this cause speaks to you, help us with legal fees, printing costs, etc. MORE ON THAT HERE
(make sure to read the instructions carefully)
Together we can stop this - join us to save Mitzpe Nevo; save Klei Shir!
What your neighbors think